Day 8 Newport to Sandpoint

Strava link

Satellite tracking


I had my first “smilestone” of the trip today. I crossed into Idaho saying goodbye to Washington. I was on such a small back road that there was no sign welcoming me to Idaho but it is my second state. The expression smilestone instead of milestone is courtesy of Tom and Deb Gardner, couple that made the cross country journey on the same route that I’m on. I learned a lot from their blog and had several phone calls with them before leaving for my trip. Thanks Tom and Deb!

Things that I knew and didn’t know about Washington

  • The coast is beautiful, cool, and wet
  • There are two mountain ranges (the coastal or Olympic and the Cascades
  • Eastern Washington is a dessert
  • They grow a lot of apples
  • There is private land owned by non- native americans on Indian reservations

5 thoughts on “Day 8 Newport to Sandpoint

  1. Hey Dan!! Thanks for the shout out on your blog! We are just three days from finishing the Great Divide ride. It’s been a blast. Can’t wait to follow your bike travels when we get home in a week. I’ll get all caught up. God bless you, Dan!


  2. Dan, I just read your last several posts. Looks amazing. I’m really glad you’re doing this, I know I couldn’t.


  3. Amazing view from the bike trail along the water! I’m enjoying the journey with you from afar! Stay safe and enjoy the ride.


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